R&R Manufacturing, Inc. was established in 1941 as a small manufacturer of tanks. Over time, the company's product line grew to include propane tanks, underground fuel storage tanks, and crude oil storage tanks. In 1974, R&R started manufacturing dry fertilizer handling equipment. By the early 1980's, the tank line was discontinued and full focus was placed on dry fertilizer equipment, including rail and truck unloading conveyors, bucket elevators and blenders.
From the beginning, emphasis has been placed on producing the highest quality, longest running equipment in the industry. In the mid 1980's, R&R developed and introduced to the market the first vertical dry fertilizer blender, named the "Minuteman". It weighs product and blends thoroughly and quickly, while requiring less than half of the floorspace of rotary systems. R&R's vertical blend design has been copied by many competitors, but only the Minuteman has the quality and long-running durability built in. R&R still produces this blender today. In 30 years, the design has required very little improvements and still out-preforms and outlasts all competitors. Many of the first models produced are still running today.
For many years R&R's engineering capabilities have allowed us to tailor specialized equipment for the customer's specific needs - another factor that separates R&R from it's competitors. R&R's manufacturing department takes pride in it's quality of workmanship, attention to detail, and use of quality components - which we believe will keep our products looking and running better than any in the marketplace.